A post-pandemic Social Contract: Perspectives from International Civil Society

On 4 February 2022, I facilitated the joint event of Club de Madrid and Southern Voice in preparation for the World Social Summit 2025. See the full agenda and video below:

Words of welcome

  • Maria Elena Agüero, Secretary-General, Club de Madrid
  • Andrea Ordóñez, Director, Southern Voice

Kick-off presentation – Inclusive social development as a pillar of global recovery after COVID-19 – Presentation of the discussion paper by Hugo Ñopo, Senior researcher, Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRAPE – Peru), member of Southern Voice

First reactions based on the lessons learned for inclusive social development since the Copenhagen Declaration (1995)

  • Danilo Türk, President of Slovenia (2007-2012), President of Club de Madrid
  • Aminata Touré, Prime Minister of Senegal (2013-2014), Member of Club de Madrid
  • Juan Somavia, Ambassador of Chile to the United Nations (1990-1999), President of the Preparation Committee of the World Summit for Social Development (1993-1995), ILO Director General (1999-2012) (tbc)

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