This website puts together my writing and multi-media work, past and present. It’s a trilingual site (in Spanish, German and English) with my publications on international politics, human rights, conflict and social issues/trends.

My articles and podcasts have been published in outlets like El País, Die Zeit, The Global Americans, EU ( and others.

Gabriela Keseberg Dávalos is a Bolivian-German Journalist & Political Scientist.
She is the Director of Global Public Affairs of Southern Voice, a network of 66 think tanks from Africa, Asia and Latin America working on sustainable development.

Prior, Gabriela was Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to the Vice-President of the European Parliament (EP) for Human Rights and Democracy and Senior Communications Officer at the International Crisis Group. At the start of her career, she worked as a journalist at ZDF German Public Television.

She runs a citizen campaign advocating for zero-emissions public transport in her free time. Gabriela also contributes a regular column on international politics and environmental issues to two Bolivian national newspapers. She was a German Marshall Fund Fellow in 2014 & 2015 and a United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Fellow in 2012.